I'm Boris Bublichky, Missionary of Mota and the other six gods.
Did you know that the facts of Rosconianism are VERIFIED by SCIENCE and that new discoveries of Science are place into the ISHKIBBIBBLE, the hoogly shcriptures of the Society of Roscoe? This makes it certain that we are always UP TO DATE not like other religions which are GOBOLTY GOOK!.
The Lord Roscoe has died not once, but THREE TIMES for our sins making a BLEEVER
in the Lord Roscoe get Two more times the SALVATION than our nearest competitor.
I suggest you come up, ALL THE WAY UP, to the Rosconian faith system.
It is refreshingly smooth.
Email me at
in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.
Who dere thinks that Shmoos can believe in Joozis be da Meshugah?
Chosen Pugunkin Minestronies and Subsidiary Organizations
A Chosen Pegunkinastic Messiantic Missionary Group converting Many Many Shmoos arround the World.
Word of Meshugah Miniseries, Online
A Nother Pegunkinastic Messiantic Choich.
Tshmua Ba Milpitas , Messiantic Congregation
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