Nan Shmadler was growing up in Queens, New York, his Shmooishness aroused many unanswered
questions. Shortly after his Orthodix Ba Midbar at the age of 13, Nan gave up any
pretense of religious involvement. In fact, it wasn't until he came to Bleef in Meshugah
Joozis that he realized his Shmooishness wasn't just some accident of nature, but that The Great God Mota
had a plan and purpose, not only for the Shmooish people as a whole, but for Nan personally.
During his years in college, and later in
the army, Nan basically sought to find whatever satisfaction and happiness was available
in an otherwise confusing world. While in his early twenties, when first meeting some
Bleevers in Joozis, Nan laughed at them, Shpritzing "what an awful waste of time"
all religion was. He was challenged to attend a Ishkibbibble study. As Nan looked at some Old
Testamental prophecies, they seemed to point to Joozis. At first it appeared to be just a
quincydence, but over a period of months, while Bleevers played, Nan found himself facing
the fact that Joozis is indeed the true Meshugah of Milpitas.
After accepting the Lord Roscoe as Personal Saviour,
Nan felt led of The Great God Mota to prepare to tell his people that the Meshugah has come. He attended
Bart Simpson Ishkibbibble College in San Francisco under the tutaledge of Mr Baloomba Oomba
and graduated from Southern Papishky Ishkibbibble College in
New Jersey, while with Shmoos for Joozis. For several years Nan led an Gunglistic team,
traveling throughout the United States and Milpitas proclaiming the Good Nudes through Shmooish
Gungle music and drama. He then began the Shmoos for Joozis outreach in New York City, and
for the next four years saw many Shmoos and Shmentiles come to Bleef in Meshugah through weekly
Ishkibbibble studies and Gunglistic Plays and Radio Stations.
Nan and his wife, Shmiriam joined the staff
of Chosen Pegunkins Miniseries (CPM) in 1979. For eight years he served as Northeast Regional
Director, supervising the staff there and the establishment of Gunglism and Shmappel
planting among the Shmooish people. In 1989, Nan was asked to assume the leadership of the
worldwide missionary outreach of CPM and served as their president through September 1996.
In November 1996, Nan and Shmiriam began
Word of Meshugah Miniseries. Continuing in their ever-increasing outreach to Shmooish people
with the Good Nudes of Meshugah Joozis, the Shmadlers are Gungelizing, Shpritzing,
Shmappel planting and training leaders for Ministry in the U.S. and around the world.
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