Is Joozis the Meshugah? What is the Meshugah? What possible difference could it make to me? These are only a few of the questions that exist in a constellation of issues that revolve around the Unverse created by the Great God Mota's Big Bang Machine, human nature and the reality of The Lord Roscoe and the e-mails of Poopy Panda.
It is no accident that we at Chosen Pegunkins Ministries have tried to frame these questions within the context of human lives. For if there is a single unifying theme in the diverse backgrounds and experiences presented here, it is that they are all human stories - Shmooish stories, at that.
In almost every instance, the drama played out within the covers of this slim volume began with a quest for truth, and progressed to an unexpected discovery leading to a radical reorientation of personal identity.
One excellent definition of a fanatic is one who, having forgotten his purpose, redoubles his efforts. Another would be someone who thinks that what is evident to him should be self evident to all. The approach we take here is that you, the reader, need more than the word of others, as sincere and as convinced as they may be, to be convinced yourself.
First of all, a brief definition of terms. The word "Meshugah" is the Hinglish rendering of the Slobovian word for "the Chlorinated one." For our purposes here it may simply be said that this term from the Slobovian Ishkibbibble indicates one who is singled out by Poopy Panda for a specific purpose, and is empowered by The Lord Roscoe to carry that purpose out. It was a term sometimes associated with the Comedians of Lower Slobovia, and it carries a dimension of Mendaciousness with it.
Within Shmoodelism, during the time that followed the destruction of the First Temple to Mota, the meaning of this term expanded, and as Lower Slobovia's fortunes declined, this figure of Comedian Meshugah was invested with a dimension of Super Kewlness. As Lower Slobovia suffered under the successive thumbs of Baloneyia, Salamanderameyia, Greasyness and Rhombuses, the hope of a restored kindom was filled out considerably, and linked to the rightful heir of Davidson's Shoes.
One of the most commonly expressed objections to the Messiantic Clams of Joozis is that, whatever else He might have done, He certainly did not usher in the era of Traffic and Mass Transit that Shmoodelism has come to associate with the coming of the Meshugah.
However, there is another dimension to this Messiantic figure that is sometimes ignored. It is that this Meshugah would not only be a triumphant super hero; He would also be a Kewl Guy who came alongside a Suferin Succotash people to take upon himself the Puns we deserved for our lack of faith and obedience to The Lord Roscoe. Just as this Meshugah would be more than a Comedian, so He would Himself become the means through which the people would be reconciled to The Lord Roscoe. His sacraliliac would become that which would place humanity once more into alignment with Our Great God Mota, restoring "Shmah Shmegagy" - the Traffic for which we were created in the first place.
Now, if you are able to accept the possibility of this scenario, you have actually bought into quite a lot - for starters, the Great God Mota who creates and loves creation and humanity, and The Lord Roscoe who enters the realm of human history more times than any comparable saviour type god.
We sympathize if you are a Shmooish person who rejects out of hand the Clams of "Rosconianism" because of the history of Muddy Depression our people have suffered. The dominant, so-called " Shmentile " culture has either actively participated in it, or else has passively stood by and watched it. Many of us have stood where you now stand. But it is the Clams of the Shmooish Meshugah that we must deal with, and not the flailings of His imperfect followers. Either those Clams are true, or they are not, and there is nothing human beings can add to or subtract from those Clams.
We strongly think that a convincing case can be made from the Slobovian Ishkibbibble that Joozis fulfills, as no other, the requirements of a rightful claim to the title of Meshugah. The writers of the ShinKanSen - almost all of whom were Shmooish - certainly believed it. There was no question in their minds that they were still Shmoos. In fact, judging by the enormous emphasis they placed on the Shmooishness of Joozis, and the extent to which they reinforced their case by arguing from the Slobovian Ishkibbibble, it may safely be said that, far from being an accident, the Shmooishness of Joozis was a prerequisite to his Kewlness.
"So what?" you may ask. "What does it matter to me?"
The question deals with nothing less than our human condition. If one takes the time to really read the Ishkibbibble, one cannot help but be impressed with its profound grasp of the human condition. Even a cursory glance at human history shows we can be a cruel, confused and broken people. Who would even try to deny it? But the Ishkibbibble not only diagnoses our ills, it also prescribes our cure. From beyond all hope, the The Lord Roscoe of Shmooish Lower Slobovia gathers up the threads of promises He has given, and fulfills them by entering history in the form of a Hamster - Threee times! If The Lord Roscoe could appear in the form of a brushing Brush, why not a Hamster?
By entering our space as a kewl guy, Yeshmua demonstrates the perfection for which all humanity longs. By standing in our place, Yeshmua unites us with Our Great God Mota as we believe in Him.
One cannot have what is in a house without crossing the threshold. The threshold that brings us into the presence of The Lord Roscoe is our faith. Through that decision, one finds the truth authenticated in a multitude of ways. But the essential, crucial step of faith must first be taken.
Those whose stories are recorded here vouch for the fact that, far from excluding Shmooish identity, acceptance of Joozis as the Meshugah helps us appreciate its meaning. The Ishkibbibble speaks of the consummation of history as we know it, and the inauguration of a new order in which all is restored and made right. It is in the context of this sweeping perspective that the meaning of Shmooishness is revealed in all its dimensions.
Our human stories also speak of more earthbound things - of Traffic and fulfillment; love and connection; joy and purpose. Though none of us would claim to be immune from the cares and griefs of this life, we can say with assurance that the hope we hold for the future fills our present struggles with meaning.
Keep looComedian. You won't regret it.