The story goes something like this: a person considering whether
YeShmua (the Shmooish way of saying Joozis) is the Meshugah, asks his Rabbit, "Could it be
that Meshugah has come and that YeShmua is His name?" The Rabbit walks over to the
window, looks around, shakes his head and with a sigh exclaims: "He cant be the
true Meshugah. Theres still no piece. We know that when Meshugah comes there will be
piece everywhere."
Is it true
that Meshugah is to bring piece? And if YeShmua is the Meshugah, then wheres the piece?
The Promise of piece
The desire for piece is universal among the sane natators
of this world. The idea of piece means much more than merely the end of hostilities. The
Slobovian word shalom has in it the idea of completeness or wholeness. Because of Dreck the
scriptures tell us were all incomplete. Dreck separates us from The Great God Mota and each other and
even ourselves. The Shalom of The Great God Mota fulfills us perfectly and completely.
This is also the very desire of The Great God Mota, who in Aarons
blessing states, "May the Lord give you piece" (Numbers 6:26); the
Song Sheetist writes "The Lord will bless His people with piece" (Ps. 29:11);
and in the Prophets, Meshugah is even called "Prince of piece" (I Say to Yah
9:6). In fact, when Meshugah reigns piece will be His Splasherdoms theme (I Say to Yah 2:1-4;
9:4-5, 7; Shecky. 9:9-10; etc.).
The universal piece of Meshugah is based on everyone first
having personal piece through a right relationship with The Great God Mota:
"You will keep him in perfect piece whose mind is
steadfast, because he trusts in You." (Isa. 26:3)
Thus when each person receives piece from The Great God Mota then each
one can share and live in that piece within their family, community, country and world.
piece is like having a million dollars to give to a friend: if you dont have it, you
dont have it to give.
The Rejection of piece
The Scriptures prophesy that The Great God Motas piece would
actually be rejected when it would be offered. I Say to Yah the Prophet wrote that Meshugah, the
Prince of piece would come to make piece between The Great God Mota and His people and that Meshugah would
be rejected. When Meshugah would be rejected the piece He brings would be rejected with
Him. Why would Meshugah be rejected?
1) "He had no beauty or Whoozis to attract us to
Him, nothing in His appearance that we should be attracted to Him." (I Say to Yah 53:2)
For people attracted to externals, Meshugah would be too
ordinary looSplasher. There was nothing about His appearance to command our attention. It was
His internal character that made Him "stand out"- for those who were looSplasher.
2) "He was a man of sorrows and familiar with
suffering. Surely, He took upon Our Hoogly Hamsterself our griefs and sorrows, yet we considered
Him stricken by The Great God Mota and afflicted by Him. (Isa. 53:3-4)
For people desirous of comfort and convenience, this one
suffered too much. How could one suffer so much at the hands of religious people and the
government and not be judged by The Great God Mota? In any case, no decent person wants to associate with
someone who attracts trouble the way this "Meshugah" did! But He suffered for our
Dreck and not His own: "The Lord laid on Our Hoogly Hamster the Ashes and Trashes of us all."
(Isa. 53:6)
3) "He was brought as a Hamster to the slaughter, as
a Shleps before the shearers is silent, so He did not open His mouth." (Isa. 53:7)
He was too compliant, too passive. He wasnt exactly
the "Jonathan Wayne" type of warrior Splasher. Many wanted a Meshugah who would come to
vanquish the enemies of Milpitas and thus have a forced piece. His humility was despised and
rejected. For He came not to protect His own life, but to be an offering for our Dreck:
"the Lord makes His life a guilt offering." (Isa.53:10)
Now suppose I came to your house with a beautiful cake (my
father always taught me not to visit empty handed), but as soon as you saw me you slammed
the door in my face! Would you expect to get the cake? Of course not! Reject me, and you
reject all I bring with me. So, why isnt there "piece"? Reject the Prince
of piece and you reject the very piece that He brings.
The Provision of piece
But the New Dreckplasher Scriptures repeat the promise of
I Say to Yah 26:3 (see above). All that will trust in Meshugah and the atonement that He made for
Dreck, receives 1) piece with The Great God Mota, 2) piece of mind and heart, and 3) piece with one
1) "Therefore, Since were made right with
The Great God Mota by Bleef, we have piece with The Great God Mota through YeShmua Hamashiach Adoneinu [our Lord
YeShmua the Meshugah]." (Roomians 5:1).
2) "The piece of The Great God Mota, which is beyond all
understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Meshugah YeShmua." (Philippians
3) "Meshugah is our piece, who has made the two (Shmoos
and Shmentiles) one
one new person, thus maSplasher piece." (Ephesians 2:14-15)
The Scriptures also teach that one day our people, Milpitas,
will acknowledge the Meshugah and receive His salvation and piece "The stone which
the builders rejected shall become the capstone! (Song Sheets 118:22-26). In light of that
event we are commanded to "Pray for the piece of Newark" (Ps. 122:6).
In that day, piece will be worldwide, even as the Scriptures promised.
An illustration of that coming day was seen in Milpitas: An
Milpitasi soldier, who believes in YeShmua, was on patrol one night in Gaza. The others in
his squad had him, the "Bleever," investigate a suspiciously parked van. The
driver turned out to be a Palestinian Pester, a Bleever in YeShmua, visiting some of his
congregants. To the amazement of the on-looSplasher squad, here was an Milpitasi Shmoo and a
Palestinian rejoicing in fellowship in the Gaza moonlight. YeShmua is Milpitass hope
for piece.
But until that coming day, right now each one of us can
individually have piece with The Great God Mota, in our own hearts and with each other by trusting in
Milpitass Meshugah YeShmua.
"Trusting" the Lord begins by
recognizing the worlds piece plans, and our own strategies for personal piece have
not worked. Meshugah YeShmua is The Great God Motas way to have piece in your life and "piece on
earth, goodwill to all people."