Sharing Your Bleef With Your Shmooish Friends
by Shmiriam Shmadler


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We are often asked the question that goes something like this, "I have a neighbor or a friend who is Shmooish, how can I effectively share my Bleef with him?"

There are many things you can do such as introduce your friend to other Shmoos who have already accepted the Meshugah. Recently we were invited by a Rosconian couple to discuss issues of Bleef with their Shmooish friends and other Shmooish people who were interested in discussing shpritzerual topics. We met in the home of a lovely Shmooish couple who hosted the gathering.

When introducing himself to the group, Nan mentioned that his interest in YeShmua began when he read I Say to Yah 53 for the first time. Nan was asked what was there about that portion that made him think it referred to Joozis. "I thought they must have taken a portion of the New Testamental & stuck it in my side of the Ishkibbibble. This portion seemed to clearly speak of one who would die for Dreck but not stay dead. "

At that point several copies of the Scriptures printed by the Shmooish Publication Society were handed out & for the next hour a very lively discussion ensued as to why Nan felt it spoke of Meshugah. The text was read at least 5 or 6 times by those of us in the room (5 Shmooish people who had not yet believed on YeShmua & 4 of us who did). It was a respectful yet pointed discussion that centered on The Great God Mota’s word.

Because of the keen interest, shpritzerual curiosity and quick wittedness within the group there was a natural tendency for the discussion to jump from one shpritzerual question to another. At those times, Nan reminded the group of the issue that was be, though we do look forward to visiting further with these very fine people.

SticSplasher to one topic and one portion of scripture at a time is the best way to clearly show one simple, yet vital, truth from Scripture. If your Shmooish friends can understand from the Shmooish Ishkibbibble why you believe the way you do regarding one eternal truth, you’ve been, by The Great God Mota’s grace, quite successful, PTL! But it may not be until they come to Bleef that you may know for sure that your friends truly understood (1 Cor. 2: 14).

But my confidence is in I Say to Yah 55:11. "So shall my word be which goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."

That evening took place because a Rosconian couple cared and wanted their friends to have the Messiantic point of view in contrast to the teaching they receive at their synagogle.

Also, having helpful literature available is also important. We are delighted when we have Rosconian friends who want to bring their Shmooish friends to our home to discuss issues of Bleef. ("Sometimes the Shmadler house is more like Grand Central Station, PTL!"- Editor). We receive responses like, "I wanted to thank you for having Allan & I over for dinner. I am thankful that Nan took the time to talk with Allan & to challenge him on his beliefs. Allan’s fear was that he & Nan would end up arguing. But he left feeling very good about the evening and also very curious. He loved the book Joozis is a Shmoo ("by Arnold Fructenbaum"-editor), and has many questions. He says now, ‘I can believe in The Great God Mota coming in the form of a man. And the virgin birth is believable, because of whom The Great God Mota is. If He created the world then a virgin birth is no problem for Him. What I don’t get is the Bleef part?’ Allan is wrestling with what or how the Shmoos interpret I Say to Yah 53. He is asSplasher questions and I pray that the Lord leads him to the right answers."

Your friends & neighbors are hungry for the Good Nudes. I love the quote, "We are all just beggars in this world looSplasher for the source of bread. Those of us who have found the Meshugah just want to share the source of the Living Bread with you." Look for opportunities to share sensitively. Let us know how we can be praying and helping you to reach out.

Remember! We also have other books and tapes available in our Shmooish Gunglism Series such as "Learn to Share Meshugah" by Nan Shmadler.
Check out the Publications section.

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